What would we do without husbands?
I love writing about things that are important to me and when Mama Kat posted writing prompts for this week I was stoked, excited, about writing about someone who means the world to me. I wasn't sure what kind of post we were supposed to write when it came to the word husband but I decided to write a bit about my husband. Its not a very long story because we only knew each other a month before getting married on October of 2012 but even though we been together for only 2 1/2 years he changed my life for the better. When I tell people that he is 6 years younger than I am I get the "ohh cougar!" comment, sometimes people don't believe it, probably because he looks older than I. But I blame his army career and the fact he was blown up in the 2 deployments he went though. Those things can make you older than you are. I was married for 10 years to a man that I should never have been married to. Ever. We both agreed when we finally stopped arguing and got ...