New kitty

I didn't want to take care of a cat, I had 4 *ahem* 3 children and my husband who is never home (he was included in the 4, us wives all do that!). A friend of mine decided that my daughter needed a kitten so she went and looked for one and let me know after. I can't complain much considering she bought all the stuff for the kitten, I just have to go and get her shots taken care of and of course she (or he?) got fixed. Yeah, I can't tell if her new kitten is a boy or girl. She is all black, except the tip of her tail which is white and feisty as hell! She did not like being in the car! Once I get her to the veterinarian they will be able to confirm it. She's a pretty good cat overall and I haven't seen ONE bug in the house so that is a HUGE plus!