Mama Kat wants me to list 6 things I fear and chose the one that fears me the most. 1. Clowns 2. Heights 3. enclosed spaces 4. cockroaches 5. fear of the unknown 6. not being able to make it financially I chose the one that a lot of people would shake their head and go why? Why would you be afraid of a clown? They are colorful, funny, and make you laugh. I mean who would be afraid of this? Yeah, me either. But after a film I watched when I was younger (Stephen King's IT) proved otherwise. Yeah, its a movie but c'mon, this could shatter childhoods everywhere. And a balloon? I’ve got red and green and yellow and blue... That's enough clowns for me today. Go by Mama Kats and show her some love!
I have a 3 year old so you know that at that age they tend to say some off the wall stuff. I have so many words and phrases that this kid says that you just tilt your head and go, "What??" He's potty trained now so when he goes #2 he insists that I look at it. I think its a boy thing because my oldest did that too when he was his age. Him: Mommy come look at my poop! Me: *groans* Do I have to? Him: Yes, there's a lot! He also loves to mess with my husband on FaceTime. They will call each other a baby or he will get our son to say some off the wall phrases. It is a never ending cycle with this one. I am sad that he's our last but happy because I don't have to potty train anymore! By the way, if anyone knows how to do Mama Kat's link properly let me know because I've been trying to fix it!
So Mama Kat wants us to share our favorite song when we were 16. The year was 1996 and I was a sophomore in high school. Many things happened that year, my dad was stationed in Korea since the middle of 1995 and we moved back home to Illinois and lived with my grandma until we found a place to live. I had my first job at Hardees and got to use my dad's 1989 Chevrolet Cavalier(many fond memories of that car but that isn't about this post) It was the year of Alanis Morrisette..her anger towards the male species dominated the music charts and she understood me! I was such a nerd, I was the one who adored guys from afar, I was the shy one, the one who got nervous around her school girl crushes. An old friend of mine owned her CD and we played it constantly until we learned the words of every song. I honestly don't have one favorite song of hers because I loved them all. I will, however, post my two favorite ones. Head over Feet One of the few so...
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