Time marches on

This year makes me feel quite old...why you ask?  Well, the class that is graduating this year are the ones that were born when I was almost a senior myself!

My principal said if we did this we wouldn't receive our diplomas so we didn't..how dull..

Next year is going to make me feel even older!

My sister-in-law graduated tonight from high school as well as a friend of mine's daughter.  In no time flat my son will be graduating(do NOT remind me, he's only going to be 10 this year!)

Next year I will post my graduation picture, I just have to remind myself to do so..you know I'm getting more forgetful in my age!

My husband, who is 6 years younger than I am, never forgets to remind me how old I am.  Next year he will be 30 and its totally on for sure, he will have a birthday he'll never forget!

Congratulations Class of 2015, don't do stupid things like getting married too young and not graduating college!  Live your life and make it amazing!


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